Faunascape ++ Tommy


In Memory

1980? - 1982?

Tommy is our mystery cat. He appeared on the front porch one day, did not flee when I opened the door, and was most friendly towards me. The unexpected: he came inside -- despite the fact that our two dogs (Zowie and Lad) were at the door, looking at this stranger cat with curiosity. He really wanted to stay with us.

He also vanished as he had arrived, without notice nor explanation. He was a great cat while he lived with us.

Tommy and inquisitive Lad
Lad thinks I'm crazy!

Tommy and Maurice pillows
He ain't no pillow, he's my "bro"

Hey, I told you kids to clean this kitchen!

Much better, thank you!!

Now for a bit of relaxation. . . Is "Cats" on PBS tonight?

I'm glad you asked me about the color scheme. I'm a great supervisor, you know.

|Janine| |Maurice| |Tommy| |Mikey| |Maddie| |Angelina| |Tricky| |Katya|



|Ocean World|
|Plant World|

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Created 26.7.99