The Russians are Here! Katya Gallery 1

Gordeeva and Grinkov Pix

They were soulmates on and off the ice. Young soulmates: she 24 and he 28, the day of that fateful November 20, 1995 practice when his heart stopped beating.

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G and G Gordeeva and Grinkov Katia and Sergei Katia and Sergei G and G

G and G

Grinkov family

People cover 3/25/96 Katia and Daria Grinkov family

At first Sergei's death seemed to take the heart out of Katia, and their daughter, Daria, who has her father's smile. However, Katia has found she still has her heart.

"God decided Sergei has to go, so this is my life, and this is my future," Gordeeva said.

February 27, 1996: Katia skated at the Hartford Civic Center, Hartford, Connecticut, in a special tribute to her husband, "Celebration of a Life". She skated sans partner but not alone to the poignant melancholia of Mahler's Fifth Symphony. Her hand reached for his, her slender body veiled in diaphanous white and gray, arced to the shape of a ghostly companion. One realized she was still half of a pair.

"I skated not alone. I skated with Sergei. That's why I was so good."

G and G Katia skates alone Gordeeva alone Alone in Hartford Alone on ice Katia and Daria

"I sensed Sergei's presence in my heart, my soul, everywhere."

Gordeeva and Grinkov:
Eternal on Ice
Gallery 1
Gallery 2
G & G Rings
Ilia Kulik
The Russians are Here!
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